Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Friggin Halloween

It's four in the morning, what are you doing? Where are your children? Where is my child? Well, he's in the bathroom puking and I am wide awake while my husband ( god bless him ) is dealing with it.

I don't do puke. Seriously, I have called Josh Senior home from work before when Junior has thrown up. I have a strong gag reflex and I just can't handle it. Call me a wuss if you want, I don't really care. I would rather get in a car accident then clean up throw up.

So now, I am just hoping my little guy can start feeling better by tonight so that he can enjoy Halloween. He has been so excited about today and I really don't want him to miss it.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The End of one Journey, but Really Just the Beginning.

In December, it will be 5 years since Josh graduated from BSU and we started our journey for him to go to Law School. It's a-m-a-z-i-n-g how fast this time has flown. Where did it go? What did we do?

I think back to 5 years ago and I was 7 months pregnant. Ready to have the baby and ready for Josh to be done with school, while in reality it was only the beginning. We thought we would be moving for him to go to law school in 2004, that we would be moving to Moscow, Idaho for him to attend the University of Idaho, Law School and that it would be a quick, easy trip to come visit home. Boy, we were wrong.

Josh applied to many schools in 2004 and was rejected from every single one of them. Smart money, would have said we should quit right there, but we like pain. :) So we gave it another go around the next year and some how ended up in St. Paul, Minnesota at Hamline University, School of Law.

Let's just say, the move was the move was rough. We lost a family member the weekend of our move and had to rearrange the moving process to attend the funeral, then I got the stomach flu, literally the night before we were flying to Minneapolis. Then when we got there, Junior got the stomach flu and Josh started the LONG PROCESS of getting his law degree.

It was a really hard adjustment. From stupid mosquitoes to the humidity, to these weird bugs that are the size of your fists that sound like a power line is buzzing when they make noise, to culture shock, badly pave freeways and it taking a million gabillion hours to get anywhere, I was pretty much pissed at the world.

Josh quickly found out that he was in the bottom 5 % of his class upon entering in to law school in 2005. As if he weren't scared enough, most of the people he met went to Hamline on a full scholarship. Every semester before the grades would come out, Josh was convinced he was going to fail and every semester when the grades turned out well, he was convinced it was a fluke. He immediately fell into a routine and did just fine with the process. To this day, I still don't understand how he was able to balance the grueling work and my crazy ass as well as being an incredible dad. He blows me away, this man.

I scooted along, finding my way with every passing month. I joined a women's choir and began singing again. I made friends. I babysat for a while and ended up in a great job writing content for a web company. It was hard though. At times it felt like I was stuck in prison. Destined to be a law school widow. ( This is a term a few of us "wives" called ourselves) But, some how I made it through.

Meanwhile, Josh junior was growing like weed. He was just a baby practically when we moved. As time passed, it was joyful to see him changing, watching him grow, and painful to have this happening away from our support. Away from the people who love him like we do.

In the midst of it all, I lost my Dad to his life long battle with drugs and alcohol. He overdose just 1 day before the end of finals for Josh in December of 2006. I had not seen him in 7 months at that point. This was probably the most painful experience I had while we were gone. No one there really to share the pain with. Josh was there until school started that next January, but really I was alone in my pain. A process I would not wish on anyone, but I made it through it and now I am stronger. My dad's death opened my eyes a little and my heart a lot.

So, we made it to May 2008 and I watched my love walk in his poofy armed robe and silly hat to get his pot of gold. And he deserved it more than anyone I can ever think of. We moved home (that's an entirely different story and it involved Josh and I riding in a car together for two glad I'm not including it here.) We bought a house with my in-laws help in April, so when we arrived we moved straight into our first home. A fantastic experience. I love my house!

Then, it felt like a cruel joke, Josh had to start going to school again. Seriously. But this time it was for the Bar Exam. He studied for 2 months and took it at the end of July. Then it was a waiting game for 6 weeks. On September 11th, Josh PASSED the bar with flying colors and was offered at job with a firm in Meridian. He was sworn in on September 30th. I didn't think I would get emotional at the swearing in ceremony, but it was an incredibly overwhelming feeling to watch the culmination of our trials and effort, come into reality. I am now married to a practicing, licensed attorney.

And now, the real journey begins.........